Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Baby girl

Baby girl I need you
I cry for you every night
I just want you in my arms
So I can hold you tight

Baby girl I need you
Every night I pray
For god to give you back to me
Or to have let you stay

Baby girl I need you
I have wanted you for so long
My heart lies with you
and your hearts gentle song

Baby girl I need you
You were my everything
I dont want to know
what life with out you could bring

Baby girl I need you
But I will have to let you go for now
God give the strength
Cause I don't know how

So baby girl go be an angel
I have to put you to rest
You will always be in my heart
But sometimes god knows best

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

the only one I want

Tears running down my face
as I said today would be the last time
you said you loved me
I said nothing
you said you would miss me
Again I said nothing
just said it hurt to much
hurt to much to come see you
see you in such an awful place
my heart pounding out its own defense
telling me not to do this
that i loved you too
But i wouldnt listen
not after how you hurt me
I would never be so weak again
I'm with someone else now
But its unfair to him
That when I kiss him
I only feel you
I only want to feel you.
he is just a distraction
To keep my mind from finding out
What my heart already knows
I'm still not over you
No matter how I try
I cant get you out of my head
you are the only one i want

without you

You smile your touch
Your hug your kiss
These are the things
I will forever miss

for right now you have been
taken away from me
I didnt see this coming
How could this be?

It feels like yesterday
I was in your arms
you winning me over
With your good looks and charms

Laying next to me
all through the night
You cuddled closer
and my heart took flight

Now I reach over
And your no longer there
The pain of the change
I cannot bear

No longer feeling love
I now feel fear
It feels so wrong
with out you here

A new Life
Growing in my womb
but with out you these four walls
Feel like a tomb

Your child will never
know who you are
cause the life you chose
Led you behid bars

Love behind bars

Love through Bars

You know i should hate you
For all you have done
my healing process
has only begun

what i feel for you
was built on lies
but that was lost on me
Staring into those deep brown eyes

to fall out of love
i would do anything
But Im Afriad
What a life with out you could bring

I just cant Forget
Your Deep Kiss
that still lingers
on my lips

Each touch
A Memory
giving me a Glimpse
Of what life could be

But that all went away
At the drop of a dime
your now in jail
Doing your time

So for now i will love you
Through the bars and the glass
because My heart
Just Cant forget the past