Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Demonic Angel

she looks down at her tattered wings
and thinks about what could have been
before she had this last regret
Before she commited her last sin

when she thinks about her past
it almost seems unreal
she was so different then
back when her emotions she could feel

Her heart has since hardend
black and as cold as ice
Broken beyond repair
Yet you can see the fire behind her eyes

Her only thoughts are of vengence
its the only reason she is still alive
her past she just cant get over
she feeds off of the anger to survive

she ravages for blood
her past lost in tears
she has forgoten her humanity
she has forgotten her fears

No longer human
He made her this way
She fell to easily
And became his prey

Theres no going back
She gave him her soul
She gave in to the devil
And fell down his dark hole

She gave him everything
And he gave nothing in return
Just left her with anger and regret
It was a hard lesson to learn

So the demonic angel
Cried tears of blood
cause she lost the only one
she had ever loved

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