Saturday, July 24, 2010


Hide your feelings
Behind your mask
Don't reveal them
Even if they ask

Keep what you think
Inside your head
Without emotions
You become the living dead
The world is our masquerade
Welcome to our demented parade

Keep your heart hidden
From everyone concealed
Keep it a secret
Never to be revealed

Become someone else
Because your not good enough
Manipulate their feelings
To get their love
The world is our masquerade
Watch your true self fade

Wear a disguise
Don't come as you are
Just like in poker
You must learn to hold the cards

It may seem immoral
But you'll love my twisted game
You'll realize you have been playing for years
Under a different name
The world is a masquerade
How easy you were to persuade

Don't doubt me now
Your conscience is already gone
Do you realize now?
What you have been doing is wrong

You have manipulated and played
With people too naive to resist
They don't realize they are in love
With someone who doesn't even exist
The world is YOUR masquerade
Now that you have lied and betrayed

You were perceived as an angel
But have recently fell
Burning in your glory
In the dark pits of hell

Now I have your soul
And rightfully so
You played the friend
But in reality were the foe
Welcome to MY masquerade
Realize YOUR twisted fate

Who am I? You ask
Oh can't you see?
I'm am Satan
And the devil is me

You have followed my whispers
And now are trapped
You will be my puppet
Cause integrity you lacked
Oh welcome to my masquerade
Where no one will come to your aid

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