Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Give me Rejection
Cause I dont want love
You could Never give me
All I have Dreamed of

Keep Lying to me
Cause I Hate change
Dont give me the truth
just take the blame

Dont give me promises
That you will never fufill
Just thinking about them
Is making me ill

Dont give me your kiss
cause when you do im blinded
but the truth is
there is no feelings behind it

Just give me the silence
dont give me the words
Cause what you have to say
I dont want heard

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

When Darkness Falls

I'm All Alone
When Darkness Falls
ALone in my misery
And nightmares call

I never sleep
So they come when I'm awake
They try to disarm me
For my life they wish to take

The faces glaring
The voices taunting
Saying I can not win
I shall never be free

When I start to get stronger
Thats when the bear down the most
They are they parasite
I am their host

They come every night
And every night I get weaker
I try to press forward
Still they are my keeper


I a World where we think
We don't have what it takes
And the only people
That get anywhere are big blonde flakes

There are some of us who wonder
As to why we're even here
And what would happen
If we suddenly dissappear

Would anyone miss me
Or would things stay the same
In a couple of years
Would they even remember my name

It all seems so pointless
As to why we are even here
When all we have to hold on to
Is anger pain and fear

Look Love in the Eyes

My life is in Choas
Please Help me
Take off My chains
And set me Free

Things just seem
To be so Complicated
Everything is in a blur
Living like I'm Sedated

Love is there
But I'm Unable to grasp it
Its Creeping in the Shadows
But My candle is unlit

Unable to see
I stumble on my way
Leaving love in the dark
And throwing it away

I cannot have
The one thing I crave
Because I'm Scared to feel it
Why cant I be brave

I feel so alone
As tears run down
Huddling in a Corner
Just wanting to be found

But here comes love again
And im Feeling afraid
Not wanting Rejection
I slowly start to fade

On love this time not wanting to lose out
I must force into the light
And against myself
I must fight

I must look love in the eye
Put myself on the line
And fight the urge to run
Hoping to god I will be fine

Wandering mind

My mind keeps wandering
With what you want with me
If you cant commit
Just set me free

My heart just aches
Thinking I cant have you
Your wounds to deep
No one can renew

That is why I keep
My feelings inside
Fearing rejection
behind my mask I hide

you say if my feelings
I can not share
We cannot
go anywhere

But where is there to go
When you cannot commit
Whenever marriage is suggested
You put up a fit

You Seem so perfect
But I Want more
I want to be your wife
Not your weekend whore


He stared upon me
But I Withered at his gaze
Knowing I was not worthy
To rejoice in his Praise

And his love never wavering
Although I had strayed
As his arms wrapped around me
I no longer felt Betrayed

All the Anger inside of me
Slowly disappeared
And I suddenly forgot
All that I had feared

Not wanting the momment to end
I clung to him and Cried
Letting him know all my problems
And all the times I wish I had died.

"Oh savior I love you
I did not mean to stray
I know I should have come to you
I know I should Prayed"

"Will you please forgive me
I know I've done Wrong
I wish I could erase it
But I have been doing it for so long"

"Oh my child you are forgiven
Thats all you needed to say
Go on and keep on living
But do not forget this day

For your sins have been Forgiven
Your starting with a clean slate
Always remember me
and no longer be of hate"

As he left I started weeping
Knowing I had Been saved
Happy to have a second Chance
And to know my life has yet to be paved.

In This Place

In this Place
Breathing gets Harder
Everyday you alive
When you think you Climbing
You suddenly take a dive

In this Place
You learn how to fight
You want to throw a punch
Though you know its not right

In this place
You learn to hide
To put faces on
And keep your feeling inside

In this place
You fear for your life
Thinking you want to end it
Because all the pain and strife

In this Place
You are all alone
Who in their right mind
Would call this place home

In this place
Pressures you face each day
You want to run
But something forces you to stay

In this place
You try to find the light
But as soon as you find it
Someone takes away your sight

In this place
You are hated
No one gives a damn about you
the thing they created

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Last Regret

There was only thing left
To put a razor to my wrist
Wait a While
And feel the bliss

Every momment getting weaker
Reveling from the pain
Looking down at my arms
I watch the blood Drain

The colors are going dim
And my body feels numb
In to the great abyss
I start to succomb

Starting to get scared
thinking i dont want to die
I curl up into a ball
And I start to cry

Why would i do this
Was life so Bad
That I would give up Everything
That I once had

The Darkness Dragging me Down
Deaths dark hole
My horrible Deed
Taking its tole

I tried to get up
Tried to fight for my life
Cause at the momment of death
I realised I didnt want to die

Our World

Darkness is our world
Fear building inside
the stuff of nightmares
In the Shaddows secrets hide

The windows are never left open
Light is never let in
Feelings are never out
And we all live in Sin

Love is a Far lost hope
Mostly we feel hate
Where people think We're evil
For the Things we create

A feeling of lust
For things we may never possess
So we are always in want
But what we lust we may never confess