Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In This Place

In this Place
Breathing gets Harder
Everyday you alive
When you think you Climbing
You suddenly take a dive

In this Place
You learn how to fight
You want to throw a punch
Though you know its not right

In this place
You learn to hide
To put faces on
And keep your feeling inside

In this place
You fear for your life
Thinking you want to end it
Because all the pain and strife

In this Place
You are all alone
Who in their right mind
Would call this place home

In this place
Pressures you face each day
You want to run
But something forces you to stay

In this place
You try to find the light
But as soon as you find it
Someone takes away your sight

In this place
You are hated
No one gives a damn about you
the thing they created

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