Tuesday, May 5, 2009


He stared upon me
But I Withered at his gaze
Knowing I was not worthy
To rejoice in his Praise

And his love never wavering
Although I had strayed
As his arms wrapped around me
I no longer felt Betrayed

All the Anger inside of me
Slowly disappeared
And I suddenly forgot
All that I had feared

Not wanting the momment to end
I clung to him and Cried
Letting him know all my problems
And all the times I wish I had died.

"Oh savior I love you
I did not mean to stray
I know I should have come to you
I know I should Prayed"

"Will you please forgive me
I know I've done Wrong
I wish I could erase it
But I have been doing it for so long"

"Oh my child you are forgiven
Thats all you needed to say
Go on and keep on living
But do not forget this day

For your sins have been Forgiven
Your starting with a clean slate
Always remember me
and no longer be of hate"

As he left I started weeping
Knowing I had Been saved
Happy to have a second Chance
And to know my life has yet to be paved.

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